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Kural 30 (Blood character of GOD )

குறள் 30:

அந்தணர் என்போர் அறவோர்மற் றெவ்வுயிர்க்கும்
செந்தண்மை பூண்டொழுக லான்

Anthanar is one who sacrifice himself and wear the character of Blood for the sack of living beings and passed ( resurrected ) away to heaven


Anthananar, Senthanmai, Kural30, Blood Character, Red Character, Forgiveness of Sins, Curse, Soul Redeeming, Unity, abode,  Peace, Purification, Authority over the Devil, Satan, Death of the Cross, Sacrificial Completion, Offering to god in fulfillment ,  Remedy in life and problem, Crucifixion, Speaking Blood, Sprinkled Blood,


explanation for the Kural 30

The Anthanar is a deity, who sacrificed himself  for all living beings  and by  the character of the blood produced by that sacrifice he brought many good things to mankind and passed away ( resurrected.)


அறவோர் ( aravor ) means one who sacrificed himself or fulfilled the sacrifice


If you want to understand the word wor (வோர்), you need to understand the words mentioned below.

A doer ( செய்வோர் ) means one who does, has done it, or appointed to do a thing.  and do what is said.


Aram means sacrifice or Yagam (Yajna).



muṟai-ceyvōr   n. id.+. Executive officers; Command executor. Venthan.


God's blood character

1) By the sacrificial blood of the deity we get forgiveness/ we get relief from curses

2) His blood redeems our souls

3) His Blood Unites Us with God

4) His blood makes peace with God

5)His blood Purifies us

6) His blood gives authority over the devil



Below is the explanation of these words,

According to these words, the deity was crucified  on the cross and by virtue of its redness, he made Remedy in our life problems to all human beings, he gave forgiveness of sins, and removed the family curses


Crucifixion is the completion of a sacrifice on the cross

The event of the deity shedding blood on the cross is the completion of a sacrifice. We still sacrifice a goat, cow or a bird to the deity as a solemn offering to make amends. Since God himself came to this earth and sacrificed himself on the cross, the atonement has been completed. When we remember the blood of the cross (redness), the blood of that cross becomes atoning for us.  So no other sacrifice is required.

The atonement sacrifice of this deity is senthanmai. (red character)

When the Holy Bible speaks of the blood of God, it refers to it as the blood that speaks of what is good for all..


The Holy Bible.

You have come to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood that is sprinkled, the blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel has spoken.            Hebrews 1224

Some say that the word chenth (செந்) comes from the word sem. (செம்) but senth and sem are different words.

If the word chenth   and the word sem were the same, Thiruvalluvar would not have used the two words in different kurals.


He used the word 'senthanmai' ( red character )in the 30th kural, the word 'sembaagam' ( good portion ) in the 1092nd kural, the word 'semporul' ( red thing ) in the 91st kural and the 358th kural, which we need to examine.


Kural 30 Is a kural that comes under the title of Neethar pride. Neethar pride refers to the coming down of the deity who has the heaven as his abode, who comes down from the Heaven  for the salvation of mankind and sheds blood on the cross (Avathar).


The author mentions that in Verse 30, Senthanmai means shedding of blood.  If you look at this kural thoroughly, a Anthanar  is not a man, i.e., the word Anthanar refers to the deity neethar ( came down from his abode i.e heaven ), who shed blood on the cross


Thiruvalluvar in his 8th kural refers to God as a Anthanar. This kural falls under the category of gods Prise and hence the word Anthanar should not be taken as referring to human beings. The word Anthanar refers to a deity who is full of grace  and compassion, with Red character of blood


Thiruvalluvar refers to his 31st kural to the 40th kural as aran assertion. This part should be seen as the part representing the sacrifice offered for human salvation (crucifixion , sacrifice).


The Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ


1) By His blood we get forgiveness of sins/ Atonement for the curse

When the Holy Bible speaks of blood, it says that there is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood.

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.   Matthew 26:28

.........................., and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.  Colossians 1:14

The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.  Proverbs 3:33


2) His blood redeems us.

A price must be paid for our soul to be redeemed. That price cannot be paid by anyone. But the blood of Jesus, who came in human form and crucified on the cross, he redeemed our souls by his Blood.

For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:              1 Peter 1:18,19


3) His Blood unites us with God.

Ephesians 2:13                                                                                                                   But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

Man is far away from God, because he does not know God or because of his sins, Jesus Christ  blood makes peace with God. There is no forgiveness of sins without the blood of Jesus Christ, just as there is no reconciliation without the blood of Jesus Christ.


4) His blood makes peace with God

Man, by nature, fights with sin; The Bible says in Colossians 1:20 that blood atonement is necessary to come close to God,  and Jesus wants to make peace to the human in the cross, which is why Jesus Christ  blood reconcile all things in earth with Lord God.

 Colossians 1:20                                                                                                             And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.


5)  His blood purifies,

The blood of Jesus Christ not only removes the punishment caused by sin, but it  makes us holiness without any blemish ;

"The blood of  Jesus Christ his Son, cleanses us from all sins" (1 John 1:7). 


6) His blood gives authority over the devil

It is the blood that Satan fears. Revelation 12:11 says, "By the blood of the Lamb they conquered him [Satan]." The devil (Satan) does not wants you to hide in the blood of Jesus or learn about the blood.


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